Over the years, our reputation has grown. Through engaging online self study courses, Intuitive Path Academy continuously cultivates inspired intuitive people. If this is what you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to get in touch to learn more and join our growing community.

Next Class Begins January 18th
Heal Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, Manifest Your Dreams through Intuitive Meditation.
Learning how to control your energetic space and create more effectively is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself. In this intuitive mediation class series you will learn simple yet powerful psychic energy tools which will radically change your life.

Next Class Begins January 19th
Learn to navigate the unique energy system gifted to women, using your female energy to better understand yourself and others, and utilizing your unique gifts in the world
The Clairvoyant Program is a powerful psychic development course that focuses primarily on clairvoyant or the ability to “see” and “read” energy in the form of movie like visions, images, pictures, colors and symbols.
Everyone has psychic ability, it is a part of our birthright as humans. One just needs to learn how to tune your body/instrument to different frequencies. Frequencies many of us knew as children but have since forgotten. Much of psychic ability boils down to forming a different relationship to energy.